28 Mar

Need to Detox?

Diatomaceous Earth (DE) works like a natural detoxifying agent within the body, easily removing bacteria, parasites, yeast, viruses, mucous, colon waste, and heavy metals that would otherwise contribute to chronic illness๐Ÿ‘Œ

It cleanses the entire gut (especially our colon), while gently dissolving bad cholesterol that has built up in our arteries.

This is great news for those wanting to heal their bowels, normalize their blood pressure, all while losing weight! Nasty toxins are stored in fat, so once that toxicity is removed, the body has a far easier time removing the weight.

Need a detox?

MORE BENEFITS of drinking DE every morning – on an empty stomach โคต๏ธ

โœ… DE promotes normal bone metabolism, joint function and flexibility.
โœ… Helps to improve immunity.
โœ… Improves the health of the entire cardiovascular system.
โœ… DE kills harmful odour; perfect for your pets litter box
โœ… Food-grade Diatomaceous Earth powder is organic, chemical-free, 99.9% pure, with no additives.
โœ… DE is naturally rich in minerals.
โœ… DE cleanses the entire bloodstream, which means youโ€™ll have more brain clarity!
โœ… DE promotes regular bowel movements, and makes your skin glow from the inside out!

One bag of DE lasts roughly 6 months for single person use. Dosage instructions are always provided with the product. Simply mix with water and drink!

Click here to get yours today!

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