healing – Howe Well | Stacy Howe Homeopathic Practitioner https://howewell.com Gut, Skin and Hormone Support by a Registered Homeopathic Practitioner as well as Handcrafted Wellness Products Tue, 21 Nov 2023 16:35:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://howewell.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/7.svg healing – Howe Well | Stacy Howe Homeopathic Practitioner https://howewell.com 32 32 213201319 Unleash the Power of Gut Health for Optimal Well-being https://howewell.com/unleash-the-power-of-gut-health-for-optimal-well-being/ Tue, 21 Nov 2023 16:15:07 +0000 https://howewell.com/?p=13003

Unleash the Power of Gut Health for Optimal Well-being

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The more I delve into the realm of homeopathic medicine, the more convinced I become that the GUT is the linchpin of our overall health. It’s the cornerstone upon which our body’s foundation is built.

Health, quite literally, starts from the gut.

Remember the ancient wisdom of Hippocrates, who declared, “All disease begins in the gut”? Well, it holds truer today than ever before.

Our gut is a bustling hub, home to trillions of bacteria that govern countless bodily functions. These microbial maestros oversee the production of essential vitamins, orchestrate our immune system, influence brain function, and even play a pivotal role in regulating our metabolism and weight. It’s a bustling cityscape of microorganisms, and their health is paramount. 

But here’s the catch: our modern lifestyle and unhealthy choices have taken a toll on these tiny inhabitants. The typical Western diet, laden with processed food and bereft of nutrients our friendly gut bacteria crave, has created a hostile environment. Environmental toxins further exacerbate the situation. Our gut health suffers when we consume excess sugar, starch, rely on antibiotics, or endure a series of traumas, like my own childhood experiences.

Think of your gut as an inner garden, a lush sanctuary of vitality.

Just like any garden, when weeds take over, chaos ensues. Sadly, many of us grapple with an overgrown, unruly garden.

Millions endure digestive distress, often unaware that seemingly unrelated issues like acne, mood disorders, autoimmune diseases, thyroid imbalances, memory lapses, and chronic illnesses are intrinsically linked to an imbalanced microbiome.

So, the million-dollar questions: HOW do we restore balance to our gut?

My personal journey to conquer IBS led me on an exhaustive exploration of the prerequisites for a healthy microbiome and, consequently, a healthier me. Beyond stress management, gentle movement, and nourishing foods, I uncovered the crucial step of providing my microbiome with the sustenance it craved. 

I big farewell to the detrimental elements and nurtured my beneficial bacteria. That’s when the transformation began!

I stand here today, healed and revitalized. However, I understand that you might still be grappling with gut-related woes, seeking genuine solutions.

Rest assured, I’m here for you.

If you’re ready to embark on a path toward lasting gut health, book a free 15-minute discovery call today!


Much love, 


Stacy xo

Six Ways To Restore Balance To Your Nervous System https://howewell.com/six-ways-to-restore-balance-to-your-nervous-system/ Wed, 12 Jul 2023 16:41:14 +0000 https://howewell.com/?p=12666

Six Ways to Restore Balance to Your Nervous System

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You can’t expect to heal if you’re constantly stressed the f out. In the chaos of our modern world, our bodies are constantly bombarded with stressors that can send our nervous system into overdrive!

The fight or flight response, a natural survival mechanism, is activated in these moments, but what many fail to realize is that being in this state hinders our ability to heal.

While you may not be able to control your nervous system, there are measures you can take to help calm yourself down and build resilience when facing stressful situations.

1) Take a Breath – Breathwork can be a surprisingly effective and simple way to calm your nerves. Take two deep inhales, and exhale slowly. Do that ten times. 

2) Get Cold – Cold exposure may soothe your vagus nerve, the main nerve of your parasympathetic nervous system, and help restore balance. Think hot to cold showers.

3) Sweat it Out – If cold isn’t your thing, you can try heat instead. There’s something so relaxing about a long, hot bath—and for good reason. Being submerged in a warm bath or a hot sauna lowers inflammation, and helps reduce anxiety.

4) Shake it Off – Yep, I’m telling you to shake, shake, shake it off. It turns out that shaking out your body helps release tension and trauma. When we shake our body, we’re calming our nervous system to a neutral state by burning adrenaline and releasing muscular tension.

5) Cuddle Up – Cuddling with your loved ones or your cat or dog doesn’t just help you bond—it also releases the feel-good hormone oxytocin which helps to bring calm and happiness into your life. 

6) Switch Off – We all know reduced screen time can help with your sleep schedule. But taking a break from the fast-paced and stressful work that tends to live on screens is also important to regulate your nervous system. Constant engagement online can lead to stress on the body and contribute to depression and anxiety. 

Regulating our nervous system is crucial for our overall health and healing. By consciously engaging the parasympathetic nervous system, commonly called the “rest and digest” response, we can counterbalance the intense fight or flight state of stress.

If you’re ready to explore homeopathic ways to improve your diet, regulate your gut + nervous system, I invite you to schedule a free strategy call.

Together, we can get you on the path towards holistic healing and provide you with the tools to thrive. Don’t wait… your journey to optimal health starts now!

What are you waiting for? Book a free 15-minute discovery call today!
